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About DataGridXL

DataGridXL was born out of frustration with other Excel-like data grid components on the market.

These products promise performance and usability. Our experience is that many products try to do too much. As a result, they are plagued by bugs. Some will even freeze your browser.

Yes, some products can handle thousands of rows, but only if you keep the amount of columns very low.

These products lack store & state management, making essentials like undo & redo actions unreliable.

The problem: they want to be a data grid and a spreadsheet at the same time. We believe that these are two distinct product categories.

We made it our mission to make the worlds most performant & reliable Excel-like data grid.

And that's exactly what we have built. Today, at version 3, DataGridXL is not just the most performant data grid out there; it also has an incredibly rich feature set that competes with the biggest data grid products out there.

DataGridXL has come a long way since its beginning.

Five years ago: DataGridXL 1 was released (2020)

The first version of DataGridXL was released in July 2020. It was featured on the homepage of famous "Hacker News". Here's a screenshot of the very first DataGridXL website:

Screenshot Version 1
Website for DataGridXL version 1 (July 2020)

Version 1 of DataGridXL was exactly what we strived for: it was performant & reliable.

The feature set was quite basic, it had no search, no column/row hiding, no column/row freezing, no fullscreen mode.

But for no-nonsense spreadsheet-like editing in a performant & reliable data grid component, it was unmatched.

However, as things always go, we received many requests for features A, B and C.

To provide more value, we decided to make a version 2. We had only one rule: no matter how fancy the new features, the product must remain the most performant & reliable option on the market.

Three years ago: DatagridXL 2 was released (2022)

Version 2 introduced many much-requested features, such as column & row freezing, column & row hiding, rapid cell search, touchscreen compatible input and fullscreen mode. It came with themes and localization.

Screenshot Version 2
DataGridXL 2 introduced many new features (February 2022)

With our new expanded feature set came bigger and better software companies. Piktochart started using DataGridXL to power their succesful SaaS Infographic software, used by 10 million+ users around the world. Leading JavaScript chart component maker amCharts integrated DataGridXL into their editors. Fortune 500 companies have started to express interest.

Once again, we're improving the product to meet customer demands.

Now: Release Version 3 (2025)

Version 3 was entirely rewritten to make use of advanced browser techniques that weren't available back in 2020. Think Shadow DOM, think Custom Highlight API.

With DataGridXL, we're not just targeting solopreneurs (v1) and SaaS companies (v2); we're targeting the Fortune 500 and governments.

DataGridXL3 comes with 100% CSP validity, ensuring full data security.

It introduces advanced features such as autocompletes, cell validation and formatting. Graphics can be shown in columns while scrolling stays at 60fps.

It has a modular design and can be customized for enterprise customers.

What's Next

We're not stopping. With DataGridXL3 new modular design system (known as "Grit") we are able to build new data grid style products out of the same toolkit. We plan on launching DataGridXL Viewer in 2025, which will have the same exceptional performance, but will be focused on presentation rather than editing. Multi-column sorting and advanced column filters.

This is DataGridXL. Simple. Reliable. Performant.

Robbert Breij Creator of DataGridXL


Generated: 25.02.04