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Q. What browsers are supported?

A. DataGridXL supports all modern browsers.

Q. What makes DataGridXL so incredibly fast?

A. DataGridXL is powered by a curated custom virtual DOM. We make use of a React-like DOM model, combined with native virtual scrolling, under-utilized CSS techniques and canvas to achieve our trademark performance.

Q. What features does DataGridXL have?

A. Have a look at our feature table. If you are unsure whether DataGridXL has a certain feature, please reach us at support@datagridxl.com.

Q. How many rows can DataGridXL handle?

A. Theoretically? 600,000

The number of rows our data grid can handle depends on the height of a row and the maximum height a browser supports for a div element. Modern browsers generally allow for a maximum height of around 16.7 million pixels for a single DOM element. With a default row height of 28 pixels, our data grid can support up to approximately 600,000 rows in most modern browsers, thanks to our use of virtual scrolling. This ensures optimal performance, even with large datasets.

Keep in mind that DataGridXL does not have any lazy-loading features at this time. All data has to be loaded up front. Q. How many columns can DataGridXL handle?

A. Theoretically? 1,200,000

Our data grid uses a snap scrolling technique, which shifts the view horizontally in 28-pixel increments. This allows smooth navigation regardless of individual column widths. Given a maximum supported width of 33.5 million pixels in modern browsers, our data grid can theoretically support up to approximately 1.2 million columns using this method, while still maintaining optimal performance through virtualization techniques.

Keep in mind that DataGridXL does not have any lazy-loading features at this time. All data has to be loaded up front.

Q. Is DataGridXL compatible with my framework?

A. DataGridXL has been tested in Vue, React and Angular environments and should also work with the JavaScript framework that you are working with.

Q. Does DataGridXL support merged cells?

A. DataGridXL is designed to edit tabular data in a spreadsheet-like manner. DataGridXL does not support merged cells

Q. Does DataGridXL support formulas, like (=A1+A2)?

A. DataGridXL does not support formulas

Q. Does DataGridXL support column filters?

A. Not as yet. We are building a 2nd product next to our Excel-like editor which will support advanced multi-column filtering & sorting. This product is focused on presentation, rather than editing.

Q. How many DataGridXL versions are out there?

A. We started with v1, which released in 2020 (and reached its end-of-life).

Version 2 released february 2022. Version 2 is considered the stable release. Over 10 million end users work with DataGridXL2.

Our latest release is DataGridXL3, which introduces Cell Pickers, validation, formatting and CSP compatibility.

Q. What are DataGridXL Editor & DataGridXL Viewer?

Many people have asked us to add advanced sorting & filtering options. We have tried to include these features in DataGridXL3, but we found that advanced sorting & filtering do not really make sense for a data editor. That's why we will be releasing DataGridXL Viewer in 2025. It will have the same performance & reliability that DataGridXL is known for, but the product will be made for presentation and browsing data.

Generated: 25.02.04