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Copy & Paste (clipboard)

DataGridXL comes with full clipboard support.

Copy & Cut

Copy & Cut actions are supported on any device, on any modern browser. Your users can copy and cut using shortcut key commands (Ctrl + V or + V & Ctrl + X or + V) and from DataGridXL's built-in context menus (in both desktop and touch menus).

You can also trigger these actions by code using grid.copy() or grid.cut(), as long as the grid has at least a single cell selected.

The selected cell values are sent to the clipboard in a TSV-string (Tab Seperated Values). This assures compatibility with spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheets.

Cut; instant or delayed?

By default, the cut action in DataGridXL will draw a dashed-border range, but it won't instantly clear the cell values. The "cut range" will only be emptied when the cut action is followed by a paste action (in the same grid). This is similar to how Google Sheets implements their cut action.

If you wish to clear values instantly, pass instantCut: true to your grid options. A useful option if you have multiple grids on a single web page. (Pasting your cut values into grid B will not clear the original cut range in grid A.)


All browsers allow paste when it comes explicitely from the user (via Ctrl + V or via the browser application's toolbar).

The paste command will work as long as your page is served over https.

Generated: 25.02.04 (V3.25.02.04)