NOTE: DataGridXL requires a commercial license.
Create an account to download a trial version of DataGridXL to follow the steps in this tutorial.
DataGridXL » Docs
Working With Data
Load a JSON-file using AJAX
"breed": "Kooikerhondje",
"votes": 210,
"origin": "The Netherlands"
}, {
"breed": "Beagle",
"votes": 235,
"origin": "Great Britain"
}, {
"breed": "Dalmatian",
"votes": 90,
"origin": "Croatia"
Loading JSON
To have DataGridXL display your remote JSON data, use JavaScript fetch
async function loadDataAndDisplayGrid() {
// load data
const response = await fetch('/myapi/mydata.json');
const data = await response.json();
// display grid
const grid = new DataGridXL("grid", {
data: data
The above example assumes that mydata.json
outputs valid JSON, where the data that's meant for the data grid is the root of the JSON-output.
Load JSON using jQuery
If you're including jQuery, you can use $.getJSON
instead of fetch
$.getJSON("/myapi/mydata.json", function(data){
new DataGridXL("grid", {
data: data
Validating JSON
JSON looks very similar to JavaScript, but has stricter rules. If you're not sure if your server-side script outputs valid JSON, paste your file's output to a tool like to check.
Generated: 25.02.04 (V3.25.02.04)