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DataGridXL » Docs
How Tos
Undo & Redo
DataGridXL has undo & redo functionality built-in.
All edit type user actions (and corresponding grid methods) are undoable. These are:
- Rows: Move, Insert, Hide, Show, Freeze, Delete
- Columns: Move, Insert, Hide, Show, Freeze, Delete, Resize
- Cells: Edit values
The user can use common keyboard shortcuts to trigger undo and redo.
It's also possible to trigger and undo or redo by code:
Advanced: Undo Manager
DataGridXL has an undoManager
that holds an array of previous commands: grid.undoManager.commands
. This property could be useful to you should you want to add an HTML element that displays command history.
Generated: 25.02.04 (V3.25.02.04)