NOTE: DataGridXL requires a commercial license.
Create an account to download a trial version of DataGridXL to follow the steps in this tutorial.
DataGridXL » Docs
How Tos
Keyboard Controls
DataGridXL implements many of the keyboard controls as seen in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. Here's a reference:
NOTE: On Apple devices, [kbd:Ctrl] is replaced by [kbd:⌘].
Basic Navigation | |
Navigate Up | |
or tab | Navigate Right |
Navigate Down | |
or shift + tab | Navigate Left |
Advanced Navigation | |
ctrl + home | Navigate to first cell of sheet |
ctrl + end | Navigate to last cell of sheet |
ctrl + | Navigate to first cell of current column |
ctrl + | Navigate to last cell of current column |
ctrl + or home | Navigate to first cell of current row |
ctrl + or end | Navigate to last cell of current row |
ctrl + pgup | Move cursor up one viewport |
ctrl + pgdn | Move cursor down one viewport |
Navigation (Multi-cell selection) | |
shift + enter | Navigate Up |
enter | Navigate Down |
Navigation (Single-cell selection) | |
enter | Enter Editor |
Editing | |
esc | Close editor (without saving) |
Clipboard | |
ctrl + x | Cut |
ctrl + c | Copy |
ctrl + v | Paste |
Selection | |
ctrl + a | Select All |
shift + | Modify Selection Upwards |
shift + | Modify Selection Rightwards |
shift + | Modify Selection Downwards |
shift + | Modify Selection Leftwards |
Manipulation | |
ctrl + z | Undo |
ctrl + y or ctrl + shift + z | Redo |
delete , backspace | Clear current cell selection |
That's all folks!
If you feel like any key controls are missing, please let us know!
Generated: 25.02.04 (V3.25.02.04)