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Exporting Data

This article will demonstrate various ways to export your data. Let's get straight to the action! DataGridXL has two built-in methods that'll let you export grid data values to a downloadable file:

// create grid
const grid = new DataGridXL("grid", {
  data: [ ... ] 

someButton.onclick = function(){

someOtherButton.onclick = function(){

Both methods will download the entire grid's data to a file on the user's device.

That's not always what you want. In many cases you'll want to pass the data to a Javascript function or to some server-side script.

Get the data

DataGridXL has two methods that return the data: getCellRangeData(...) & getCellRangeText(...). Both methods require a cellRange parameter.

// create grid
var grid = new DataGridXL("grid", {
  data: [ ... ] 

someButton.onclick = function(){
  var values = grid.getCellRangeData(this.getCellSelection());
  console.log('values inside cell selection', values);

The above code will return the values inside the user's cell selection in a 2D array.

Its sister method getCellRangeText will return the data as TSV (Tab Seperated Values), which is the common clipboard-format to copy/paste between spreadsheet applications.

Generated: 25.02.04 (V3.25.02.04)